Building Long-Term Lifestyle Changes

Building Long-Term Lifestyle Changes

Our ultimate goal has always been to equip our clients with the right tools and education to confidently take control of their health and fitness journey and keep progressing beyond their challenges to achieve long term lifestyle changes.

We have been lucky enough to work with clients from all walks of life, who start their journey with us in different stages of their fitness levels, and with a wide range of goals and varying lifestyles, yet watch them grow to surpass their own wildest expectations of themselves. 

Today we want to inspire you and share a handful of inspiring stories from our long-term clients, including students, mothers, and shift-workers, and their helpful tips for embarking on your fitness journey with Move With Us.

Our Ambassador Ellie has completed an incredible 19 Programs with Move With Us, choosing BUILD Level 2 for her most recent challenge.

Ellie has consistently put in the work, proving to herself that she's capable of overcoming the mental challenge of making lifestyle changes to suit her long-term goals, and has achieved insane physical progress through her journey.

We asked Ellie what her biggest tip is for someone embarking on a challenge with Move With Us. She wanted to preach that consistency is always key.  

Ellie shared, "Recently, I let myself get to a point of exhaustion due to an extremely busy lifestyle. I have a full-time job, two part time jobs, and I study, so trying to juggle all of this with training was getting hard.

I realised that I wasn’t letting my body recover and that I needed to slow down and focus on the bigger picture.

Five weeks later, I still have the same busy lifestyle, however I'm making it a priority to find time to meal prep and eat nutritious foods, I'm prioritising training and moving my body regularly, and I'm sure as hell making it a priority to rest when I need to and recover properly by getting enough sleep each night!

Keep it simple and prioritise your efforts consistently. All the little changes add up to big results!”

Thamar is another long term client who's completed every Move With Us challenge since 2018, and recently completed BUILD Level 2.

Thamar completed her BUILD Challenge from home while gyms were closed in the UK. Her top tip for starting your challenge journey is to be flexible and adaptable in your overall roadmap towards your goals. 

"I struggled a bit not having my usual routine or training in the gym, so I learnt to be adaptable and made it my biggest goal to embrace a flexible and balanced lifestyle - and not freak out when I couldn't hit my calories 100% (this was hard for someone like me who loves feeling in control!).

I also completed BUILD Level 1 at home last year during lockdown and it was one of the challenges where I grew the most physically and mentally. Keep pushing and keep trying despite your obstacles and hardships- you’ve got this!”

Thamar's unbreakable determination and encouragement for others within the Move With Us Community Forum is truly inspiring. 

If you're looking for some workout inspo today, here's a home-friendly upper body workout from the brand new Level 3 of our BUILD Challenge. All you need is 2 sets of dumbbells. 

We've found that one of the biggest obstacles for many wanting to commit to a consistent fitness routine and nutrition plan is a 'lack of time' due to work commitments.

The winner of our very first BUILD Challenge in 2020, proved that even those in the busiest of jobs can find the time to focus on their fitness goals, if it's something that's truely important to you. 

Our former BUILD Challenge winner Ali has a full time schedule working 12+ hours alternating day and night shifts in her job as a registered nurse, on top of her demanding studies to become a doctor.

Ali said that before starting with MWU, “I realised that my lifestyle and my eating habits were actually contributing to my stress rather than helping me. Registered Nursing takes all of my energy, emotionally and physically, and it really took a toll on my body⁣".

Initially Ali struggled with making time for her workouts amidst her crazy schedule, but through the Challenge she finally found a sense of work-life balance, gained a new found sense of discipline, and was able to stay on-track for the 8 weeks.

"My BUILD Challenge pushed me in all the best ways and changed my life. I’m a more positive, happier and grateful person, and I feel I can contribute more to society now because of MWU". 

Ali shares her top tips for busy workers who are embarking on their Challenge: 

1. Prioritise.
Schedule your top priorities first before thinking about your secondary priorities. The MWU App has a daily goal-setting section to help with this!

2. Compromise.
There will be busy days where you can't get everything on your list done, so learn to compromise on your lower level priorities.

3. Bring your gym clothes to work.
Not only does this save time commuting from work, back home, to the gym, but it's a conscious reminder to get your workout in and eliminate excuses. 

4. Meal prep.
I can't stress how much meal prepping has been a lifesaver for me, time-wise, and for sticking to my nutrition goals.

5. Combine activities where you can. 
Try to combine things that you have to do, with something you want to do. For example, getting your LISS cardio session in and catching up with a friend by going for a walk together. 

Another common obstacle for mothers wanting to commit to their health and fitness goals is the struggle of balancing the full time obligations of motherhood with the day to day habits of following a structured training and nutrition regime. 

New mum Staci found the perfect balance on her BUILD Challenge last year, completing all her workouts from home with the minimal equipment options. 

"MWU is the way to go for all you stay-at-home mommies, and such a comforting place to ask questions and advice. Let me tell you, my results are proof you can get fit again, and also have time for your family!"

Staci's message to all the mothers out there is to be proud of every small win and be kind to yourself, always.  

"I've grown to be proud of the small wins and regrow my love and relationship with food and fitness! I'm proud that I pushed myself on the days I didn’t want to put in the work, and I'm also glad I listened to my body and had treats and off days when I needed them. I'm so much more confident in my body". 

This is your reminder that 2022 is less than 2 months away. There's no better time to get focused, realign your priorities and start working towards your goals.

So if you're ready to finish 2021 strong, this is your sign to join one of our programs and kick start your journey to building a stronger mindset, body, and create long-lasting lifestyle changes.

Our selection of fitness programs offer various levels to best suit your training experience, and have a new intake starting every Monday. 

You can read more about all of our programs here, or chat directly to our team of experts via live chat or email at to find the best option for you and your goals.