August 2018 – Now (July)

Challenges: 6 Week Bikini 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0, 8 Week TLM, 4 Week STT
Currently: 12 Week Fitness Sisters Challenge
"I started when I was just 18 years old purely because of the lack of love for myself and unhappiness in the way I looked. 
It has been amazing for me. It has taught me how to love myself again and when I look in the mirror I seriously love and appreciate my body. 
However, the best thing I have learnt is the knowledge around nutrition, macros and flexible dieting. Dieting doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive, anything can be worked into macros and you don’t have to feel like you are missing out! I still go out with friends, eat chocolate, doughnuts, whatever I’m feeling like... But the difference between now and before, is that I know how to stay in control and not binge, I know how to work these treats into my diet and most importantly I still know how to enjoy myself without going overboard! 
I cannot thank the team enough for everything they have taught me, they turned my life around and I am happier and stronger than I have ever been."



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